Introducing the Academic Partner Program

Microbiome research is advancing at an incredibly rapid and exciting pace. At One Codex, we’ve had the amazing opportunity to have front-row seats to this innovation, and we’ve always done our best to work with and support the academic community. One of the big hurdles to microbiome research however, is the cost and difficulty associated with analysis of next generation sequencing data.

Today, we’re very pleased to announce the Academic Partner program, which is designed to further our commitment to this community by providing partnership opportunities to researchers studying microbial genomics and the microbiome. The Academic Partner program is a grant of up to 200 free samples of analysis on the easy-to-use One Codex platform. Anybody doing academic research who is generating next generation sequencing data from microorganisms should feel free to apply.

The only requirements to participate in the program are that you are doing academic research, that you agree to cite One Codex in your publication, and that you’re ok with us publicly releasing any materials uploaded to our platform after your work has been published. Open science is close to our hearts at One Codex, so we want to further that cause by creating resources that make it simple for other researchers to take up the gauntlet and continue further research.

If this sounds reasonable to you, we’d strongly encourage you to apply here. We’re very excited to be able to help address the analysis challenges facing the microbiome research community, and can’t wait to see the findings and discoveries that come as a result. Follow along here or on Twitter @onecodex to get updates about the program and here stories from some of the researchers!

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